
Showing posts from March, 2021

Is it smart to take smart drugs to boost brainpower?

What are “smart drugs”? You must be thinking, aren’t drugs taken only to get high? These are recreational drugs that affect your CNS (Central Nervous System), just like “Smart drugs”, but they do not let the brain enter into the realm of hallucinations. Smart drugs enhance the cognitive behaviour of the brain, such that the consumer experiences an increased focus or concentration (for a limited period), boosts memory power, and helps in reading more effectively. Overall, it proves to be an effective study buddy, instead of study groups were students usually chat with their friends.  Examples of few such drugs easily available in the market are- Noopept, Phenotropil, Modafinil (Modalert), Adderall (Amphetamines), Methylphenidate (Ritalin), and Piracetam are a few of the smart drugs widely taken in by students in college-campuses. Stated above are the scientific names of these drugs that are sold under various company and manufacturer names in the market. But alas, every rose has i